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Dalia Dagher: Spreading Hope in Lebanon


Dalia Dagher
A prominent Lebanese television presenter, Dalia Dagher is a humanitarian, a mother, a grandmother and more. She is simply a woman of many hats who advocates for the support of the helpless citizens of her homeland Lebanon.
We caught up with Dalia while she was in Paris launching the French branch of her association Les Toits de Beyrouth amongst an affluent group of attendees, including Lebanon's ambassador to France.
Dalia, in a few words how would you describe Lebanon?
Lebanon is a symbol of cultural exchange, a place of life and hope. Lebanon is proud of its youth and its high achievers in the world. But today Lebanon is sick and we need to help our beautiful country.

What pushed you to establish Les Toits de Beyrouth and use your TV platform to help the people in need?
It is my upbringing and a route I chose to take. It first stared as an idea on Christmas through one of my shows when we oragnised a telethon to raise funds. One thing led to another and after five years I transformed my TV program into an association.
It’s a huge responsibility in a country that is suffering on every level, but I noticed that I can be an intermediary between donators and vulnerable people.

We suppose it’s an ultimate gratification when you change a person’s life…
Indeed, I enjoy employing my network and connecting people who trust my association and I for the better good.
Les Toits de Beyrouth has become a 24/7 job, and it constantly reminds me that all materialistic things have an expiration date, while good deeds are forever.
And what do you do when you are incapable of helping someone?
Believe it or not, anyone who calls me will have an answer. Whether through my direct aid or by connecting the person to anther party specialized in the case.
What is your message of hope to people suffering in general, and Lebanese citizens in particular?
I have never given up and you need to always seek the light at the end of the tunnel. Every person or country goes through conflict and downturns, our responsibility is to use everything we have to spread love.
Going back to your TV career, have you every faced obstacles as an Arab woman?
Not really, I think it’s because I’ve guarded myself from the very beginning. I make sure to present myself as an equal human before anything else, and as an educated and competent individual.
You are also a proud grandmother, how did it change your life?
I am so proud that even though I got married at a young age, I continued my education and refused to stop! For nothing stops a woman with ambition.

By the age of 18 I had my twin boys as I was studying in university, and by the time I finished my first master’s degree I had two more children. I just turned 50, and I am in love with all three of my grandchildren. My heart if full of gratitude and I pray that I will accompany them throughout their lives.

Finally, a piece of advice for boss ladies like yourself?
Don’t let any person make you feel belittled, no matter what job you do, you are worthy of success. And above all you need to have inner peace because it will reflect on your performance.

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